Disney+ Original Series The Book of Boba Fett is a Space Western that take place right after Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. and it's a spin off from The Mandalorian series. This Series was interesting to watch but the story was confusing and all over the place, I don't know a lot about Boba Fett backstory but I do know a little bit about him from the prequels but this Boba Fett that we got in this series was not interesting. I like the first 2 episodes of the series because it show us how Boba was able to survive and escape the Sarlacc, and how he lost his Mandalorian armor and how he ended up at the Tusken Raiders camp.
Having The Tusken Raiders show and teach Boba how to fight was good and then he help them stop the Pyke Syndicate spice train that was attacking them was fun to watch, and having him join the Tusken Tribe and showing him how to make a Gaffi stick was great and I thought that was good storytelling right there. But after episodes 1 and 2 that when the show started to go down for me just a little bit. I didn't know anything about Black Krrsantan but he look like he was a tough enemy for Boba but having him join Boba and Fennec Shand was confusing and not having Krrsantan be one of the many enemies for Boba to face was a let down. I wanted to see more of Jabba's cousins aka The Twins and I was hoping that they were the main villain of the show, I didn't understand why Cad Bane was in the last 2 episodes of this series and make it seem like Boba Fett kill him was confusing but we all know Cad Bane is not dead.
I really didn't care about the Cyborg Gang, Cobb Vanth or The Pyke Syndicate and having Boba try to taking over Tatooine and becoming a better person was not good. I wanted to see the Boba Fett from the prequels but I can understand why they made him this way. Some of the action scenes in this series was not good except for the one in the last episode. I don't know why but episodes 5 and 6 was like watching The Mandalorian again and why they have Din Djarin, Grogu, Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka in the Boba Fett show doesn't make no sense at all but having Din Djarin and Grogu help take out the Pyke was good. I like the last episode but it feels like they drop the ball on a lot of things but I hope the writer try to fix some of the mistakes they made in the show. And the post credit scene was okay but I don't understand why have Cad Bane shoot Cobb Vanth and then say his was killed in cold blood but have him in The Bacta Tank while Thundercat is getting ready to fix him up.
My favorite episodes are Stranger in a Strange Land, The Tribes of Tatooine, Return of the Mandalorian, From the Desert Comes a Stranger & In the Name of Honor and I just want to let everybody know that I like this series but I don't know if I want a season 2.
I would recommend to watch this series but you might not like it and that okay. I will give this series a 5/10